THE RAMTRACKER V1.0 - HARD USER MANUAL + TROUBLESHOOTING -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ON LINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN THE EDITOR YOU CAN ALWAYS PRESS ? FOR ON LINE HELP ! basic keys: PRESS F1 - to start/stop music F2 - continue ESC - main menu : load music and a BRIEF HELP ! /in the event editor/ ALT - for fast forward CTRL+ENTER - switch between editing parts ESC - go backward ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLING THE RAMTRACKER(TM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -run the SETUP.EXE and choose sound device -start RAMTRACKER(TM) by running through RAMTRACK.BAT. press esc before the intro start for a TOTAL skip. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORKING METHOD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAMTRACKER(TM) is developed to work with WAVETABLE cards or GM compatible modules. UNLUCKILY NO FM SUPPORTED (BUT WE SUPPORT FM, CAUSE WE LOVE THAT!) OWN SAMPLED WAVES NOT ALLOWED YET. FOR OPL2/OPL3 FM BLOCK PLAYERS/TRACKERS YOU MUST SEEK FOR OUR EDITOR CALLED AMC V1.0 (* NEXT RELEASE *) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT NOTICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for GRAVIS UTLRASOUND / UTLRASOUND MAX: 1. for full feature use you'll need 1 Mbytes of RAM. Otherwise no whole GM bank available 2. you'll need PATH for MEGAEM added to your autoexec.bat. for SB AWE 32: 1. you must use AWEUTIL 1.11 or later to get correct result (1.11 included in this pack) - you have an older version that came\ with your installing pack ! 2. this card is simply the best ! keep on going with this ! for GM COMPATIBLES (ROLAND CANVAS, MT32 and SO...) 1. no receipe. MPU 401 interface is a MUST. ---> THE AWE 32-GM and GUS INSTRUMENT BANK ARE A LOT DIFFERENT ! <--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDENTIFIERS ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The MIDI systems are so much different. In the future we'll use numbers according to the systems: 1. GRAVIS ULTRASOUND 2. MPU 401 GM 3. SB AWE 32 here's the technical parameters of the cards (only the not standard ones): chorus 2*,3 reverb 2*,3 effect types 2*,3 drumsets 1: 1 , 2: 6 , 3:6 instruments 1:128 , 2:128 , 3:187 * = optional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TROUBLESHOOTING ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. INITIALIZATION FAULT 1. GUS (MANUAL BASEPORT SETTING FROM SETUP): - no megaem installed properly: - no path for megaem (add path in autoexec.bat) - no expaned memory manager (megaem needs that !) (add emm386.exe or qemm386.exe to your config.sys) - bad paseport address : try another one in the setup! - card at bad baseport : make sure that no other devices installed on the same baseport 2. GM (MANUAL BASEPORT SETTING FROM SETUP): - bad paseport address : try another one in the setup - card at bad baseport : make sure that no other devices installed on the same baseport 3. SB AWE 32(AUTOMATIC DETECTION): - aweutil initalization fault : 1. turn off your machine and restart ! 2. run diagnose to find the problem - card at baseport : make sure that no other devices installed on the same baseport 2. NO PRODUCED SOUND: - boost the volume - for (2) bad connection /midi in/out plugged badly/ - no instrument selected (while typing in the sounds) 3. INCORRECT INSTRUMENT'S COMING ON THE GUS - less than 1MB RAM : buy more ! 4. YOUR FRIEND'S AWE32 MUSIC SOUNDS BETTER: - he/she has a later version of AWEUTIL. GET IT! 5. FREEZE / SYSTEM SHOCK - we've never met with anything like this before-> you must be wrong somewhere ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TECHNICAL HOTLINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Technical Hotline is available at the HUMANSOFT LTD. anytime at the day. Only you have to do is to reach a person called ADAM DAVIDSON or THOMAS DANKA. SO, call : +36-1-163-2879 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HELP US ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you are good at some languages please help us translate RAMTRACK(TM). Your help is going to be payed. Contact us at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTACT CORNER ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABSOLUTE! Ltd. / RAMJET PRODUCTIONS H-1141, BUDAPEST Kom˘csy 1/b HUNGARY Tel / Fax : +36-1-252-0196 for tools to the hardware prowiders: HUMANSOFT Ltd. H-1149, BUDAPEST Angol u. 24/b HUNGARY Tel : +36-1-252-0196 Fax : +36-1-251-3673